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I provide consultancy work related to digital publishing on the Research Catalogue platform. As a web-developer, a former advisor at the Norwegian Academy of Music and with an extensive background from various institutional environments, service on several levels is offered:

  • Research publication: exposition design, guidance, layout planning, and more
  • Administrative services: reception of research, peer review assignments, publication workflow
  • Support on both administrative & author levels
  • Template development
  • Workshops, for administrators and authors

Services for both institutions and individuals are provided, either in collaboration with an institutional administrator or the author. I can handle the entire production workflow from creating and designing the exposition, to the administrative side of the publication process.


I am a web-designer and part-owner of, a former advisor at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH), and a long-time freelance consultant for various institutions in the field of publishing artistic research on the Research Catalogue platform. I am also a musician and composer and hold a masters degree in improvisation.

I have extensive knowledge of the the field of digital publishing, and can assist individuals and institutions during the entire production chain and up to final publication. The Research Catalogue adheres to publication methods that meet standard institutional requirements.

During my years at NMH I was responsible for initiating a development process that resulted in a new Research Catalogue exposition type. It allows for a more modern approach to online publishing on this platform, and relies largely on CSS3.

It is responsive, allows for import of word documents, amongst other features. More information on the module is available here. 

Templates and themes for this module can be adapted and customised to suit specific needs from individuals or institutions. The module also allows for the creation of journals within the Research Catalogue itself.  

Within the field of artistic research, creating a publication, or Research Catalogue exposition, usually involves combining multimedial elements in a way that presents the idea, content and artistic result as clearly as possible, taking into account the context and current debate as to what artistic research is.

Research Catalogue is currently the only digital platform that can provide the necessary tools for digital publications such as these, and is the platform chosen by most institutions within the field of artistic research.

It is administered and maintained by the Society of Artistic Research.


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